Thursday, March 24, 2011

After a year and a half............

SOOOOOOOO.... after a long year and a half, today was the day I spoke to Genesis's dad, Will. I thought I could have changed him. Boy, was I wrong.

Although I felt like screaming my lungs out to him, I somehow managed to stay calm. He called my daughter a meth baby. What kind of person does that? I think that tears me up the most. Genesis is the most beautiful, funny baby there is and he has the nerve to call his own daughter a meth baby? It kills me.

Then he managed to say he wanted a paternity test, but he didn't want it right now, he wanted to wait it out till his court papers came. Seriously... it's about time someone grows up . You would think an almost 21 year old would take some responsibility. All he knows how to do is lie. He lies to his girlfriend, and I can only hope he doesn't get her pregnant and do what he's doing to Genesis.

Will is dead to Genesis. Today was my last and final goodbye to him, and I will not speak to him whenever I see him in court unless I am told to. He is a sick, no good, lazy deadbeat. NOT a dad, NOT a father, NOTHING. He will never see her. I am dumbfounded by how someone could neglect their own child, because they're too greedy to buy a box of diapers or a can of formula. It's sickening.

Sadly, I have a feeling DSS doesn't even care much that he doesn't help. The people there are rude and half the time won't pick up the phone. Sometimes I just want him to give up all his rights, I mean, that's what he wants anyway, so why not go ahead and get it over with?

All I ever wanted was for him to see her. For him to be a part of Genesis's life, I don't understand why he doesn't want that. I don't care if he hates me, but Genesis never did anything wrong. I am letting this bother me so much and I know I shouldn't. I know God takes care of us through everything, I guess I just wanted to see him have a change of heart. Oh well.

I know I'm a good mom, and I'm giving Genesis the best life possible, and going to college so one day I can provide for her on my own. I want to teach her that she doesn't need a man in her life to be strong. I love Genesis so much, with everything, all of my heart.

So Will, this is my final goodbye, from me and my daughter.

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