Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I can't believe graduation is just around the corner. It seems like just yesterday my friends and I were in eighth grade, all getting in trouble because Heather used to snort when she laughed. How time flies. Now we're both mommies. And I'm about to graduate high school and start college.

Speaking of college, I've been stuck between getting a degree in Health Science to become and ultrasound tech or getting a degree to become an RN, and becoming a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. I remember before I got pregnant with Genesis, college meant nothing to me. My exact words were, 'I'm NOT doing another four years of school.' But boy how my opinion on that has changed.

My grades are the best they've ever been since fifth grade. It's been hard, but there's no way I'm quiting now. I want to be able to give Genesis the best life possible, so one day when she looks at me and says, 'Mama I want this,' I can say YES. I want to be able to help others that have helped me. I want to be able to donate to charities like St. Judes. I know I can do it.

I called Greenville Tech the other day, and they said I had plenty of time to get my SAT and ACT test scores in, which I take those in April and May. I'm so excited! My cap and gown will be here soon and I'll be getting my graduation pictures made. Can't wait!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Being a Single Teen Mama

I never thought I would have kids to start, but January 6th, 2010 my life changed forever. I found out I was pregnant. My at the time boyfriend Will decidede I should have an abortion so he wouldn't get kicked out of his house, and said if I kept this kid he would end up selling drugs to afford everything. But there was NO way I would kill my child, so he left.

Will was never around the whole time I was pregnant. I cried over him, wrote him, and yes, I still do love him. I always will. I know he will never come back. He moved on four months after we broke up and moved in with another girl. I should hate him, but I can't. He's the only guy I was ever in love with and it hurts like hell that he's gone and most of it's the fact that he won't even ask about his daughter. It kills me inside and not a day goes by that I don't think about it.

Being pregnant isn't easy either, especially when you're in school. Although I do online school I was tired most of the time. All I wanted to do was sleep. Every type of food made me feel sick. Honey mustard was the worst. I ended up working over the summer to catch up with everything. But I pulled myself together just to make it through my junior year of high school.

Then, at the beginning of my senior year, the last part of my pregnancy was the scariest and the greatest. I was diagnosed with preeclampsia at 37 weeks pregnant. I was sent home to stay on bed rest, but as the day went on I felt worse and worse. I eventaully went with my instincts and went to labor and delivery. I was told I wouldn't leave the hospital without a baby.

And August 28th, 2011- Genesis Noel Pace was born. She's the love of my life. Nothing can express my love for her. Labor was so hard. My epidural didn't even work because I waited to long to get it, and the epidural guy had to redo it THREE times and still didn't get it right. The nurses were mean and so was the epidural guy. I hated being in there, and I'm pretty sure they were just rude to me because I was younger.

The first nights home were dreadful. I had had about two hours of sleep within four days. I was tired, exhausted, and Genesis was up every two hours and often times wouldn't go back to sleep until four hours later. It was exhausting and I was hurting all over from the birth.

Genesis will be six months old February 28th. Time has flown by since I've had her. I have a child support date March 7th. She looks just like Will. Everyone else thinks so too. Every time I look at her I'm reminded of him.

Genesis is so funny. She makes me laugh, but she's a handful at times too. Especially when she doesn't want to go to sleep. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my family supporting me and helping me with everything like formula and diapers when I need it. But I am going to college to become an ultrasound technician. I graduate this year. I am doing all this to give Genesis the life she deserves. She makes me a stronger person. Yes, it's hard, but I wouldn't change where I'm at now for anything.

I love my baby girl<3